You Communicate With Your EarsYou love conversations, both as a listener and a talker.
What people say is important to you, and you're often most affected by words, not actions.
You love to hear complements from others. And when you're upset, you often talk to yourself.
Music is very important to you. It's difficult to find you without your iPod.
How Do You Communicate?www.blogthings.com/howdoyoucommunicatequiz/><><
Your Learning Style: Expressive and TenaciousYou love to learn about new cultures, ideas, and theories.
You Should Study:
Ethnic Studies
Foreign Languages and Literature
Eastern Religion
What Should You Study?www.blogthings.com/whatshouldyoustudyquiz/><><
Your Dosha is VataCreative and restless, you take in all of life's pleasures (maybe a little too much!).
You're quick witted and very talkative, but you also tend to have a spotty memory.
You tend to get very into ideas, people, and lifestyles... but only for a short time.
It's difficult to hold your attention, and you sometimes feel with what life has to offer.
With friends: You are very uncomfortable in new situations or with new people
In love: You fall in and out of love very easily
To achieve more balance: Live in a warm climate and spend some quiet time in nature
What's Your Dosha?www.blogthings.com/whatsyourdoshaquiz/><><
You Are ChickenBah! You're hardly meat. But you are quite popular, and people aspire to taste like you.
You're probably quite skinny and free of vices. Except letting people eat your eggs.
What Kind of Meat Are You?www.blogthings.com/whatkindofmeatareyouquiz/> SKINNY? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa!
You Have a Melancholic TemperamentIntrospective and reflective, you think about everything and anything.
You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life.
You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you.
Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace.
You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life.
Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times.
At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you.
You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others.
You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult.
What Temperment Are You?www.blogthings.com/whattempermentareyouquiz/><><
You Are 32% HealthyYou're on your way to having a healthy diet, but you have a ways to go.
Everything is okay in moderation. But you don't quite have moderation figured out yet.
How Healthy Is Your Diet?www.blogthings.com/howhealthyisyourdietquiz/><><
You Are Internal - Skeptic - PowerfulYou feel your life is controlled internally.
If you want something, you make it happen.
You don't wait around for things to go your way.
You value your independence and don't like others to have control.
You are a total skeptic when it comes to luck.
You believe that people use luck as a crutch to avoid responsibility.
You control your own destiny. The universe has nothing to do with it.
You believe everything can be explained - and you tend to over analyze situations.
When it comes to who's in charge, it's you.
Life is a kingdom, and you're the grand ruler.
You don't care much about what others think.
But they better care what you think!
The Three Dimension Luck and Power Testwww.blogthings.com/thethreedimensionluckandpowertest/><><
You Are a Dreaming SoulYour vivid emotions and imagination takes you away from this world
So much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time
You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all...
But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficult
You are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you.
Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses.
Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others.
Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life.
Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul, Prophet Soul, and Traveler Soul
What Kind of Soul Are You?www.blogthings.com/whatkindofsoulareyouquiz/><><
You Are 44% Brutally HonestHonesty is important to you, but generally, you try not to be brutal about it.
You'll sugar coat the truth when you need to... and tell a white lie when necessary.
How Brutally Honest Are You?www.blogthings.com/howbrutallyhonestareyouquiz/> sounds about right.
You Were a SwanYou are a spiritual soul who sees into the future.
You are also good at interpreting dreams - those of yourself and others.
What Animal Were You In a Past Life?www.blogthings.com/whatanimalwereyouinapastlifequiz/> Sometimes I have dreams about stuff that happens in the future, but their ponitless. unimportant events.
You Are 10% EvilYou are good. So good, that you make evil people squirm.
Just remember, you may need to turn to the dark side to get what you want!
How Evil Are You?www.blogthings.com/howevilareyouquiz/> I'm too nice for my own good, sometimes...
You Are BatmanBillionaire playboy by day. Saving the world by night.
And you're not even a true superhero. Just someone with a lot of expensive toys!
What Superhero Are You?www.blogthings.com/whatsuperheroareyouquiz/> I was hoping fro Spidey...
Your Dating Purity Score: 74%You are an under-experienced dater.
This doesn't mean you're unexperienced - far from it.
It just means that there's a lot of romance left to discover!
Dating Purity Testwww.blogthings.com/datingpuritytest/><><
Your Passion is YellowYou're a total sexual shape shifter.
You possess a complex sex drive and are very adaptable.
Of all the colors, you are the most likely to be bisexual.
While you the most passionate, you are very open minded.
What Color Is Your Passion?www.blogthings.com/whatcolorisyourpassionquiz/> ... But gay sex is painful! (Don't ask how I know that.)
How You Are In LoveYou take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.
You give and take equally in relationships.
You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.
You're secretly hoping your partner will change for you.
You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard.
How Are You In Love?www.blogthings.com/howareyouinlovequiz/><><
What Your Soul Really Looks LikeYou are quite expressive and thoughtful. You see the world in a way that others are blind to.
You are a grounded person, but you also leave room for imagination and dreams. You feet may be on the ground, but you're head is in the clouds.
You see yourself with pretty objective eyes. How you view yourself is almost exactly how other people view you.
Your near future is all about change, but in very small steps. The end of the journey looks far, but it's much closer than you realize.
For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust.
Inside the Room of Your Soulwww.blogthings.com/insidetheroomofyoursoulquiz/